Harley Davidson Light Painting
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Wednesday, September 06, 2017
By Allison Russell
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We recently did a light painting commission for a client and her husband, and it was such a fun project!  We collaborated on the look and feel we wanted for the bike, where he would hang it, and what we wanted the finished product to look like, and then we went to work!

Light painting is a process of lighting a subject in certain areas, and then putting on the images together in photoshop to create one beautifully piece painted with light.  On this motorcycle, we lit each piece of the bike separately, i.e. the wheel, the tire, the saddlebags, the seat, the chrome, the handlebars, etc. to show each part with amazing dimension and detail.  During light painting, we also paint the ground and the backdrop for a finished effect.  After the session we bring all the images into photoshop, and for this particular commission, we combined almost 30 images to create this masterpiece.  

Light painting is a wonderful way to showcase architecture, motorcycles, cars, and most collector items.  It takes skill with long exposure images, extreme attention to detail,  knowledge of lighting techniques, and expertise in photoshop, but it is worth the effort to create these works of art!  What a wonderful gift to commemorate your hobbies or business products.

Below, check out the side by side comparison of the before picture, which is nicely exposed, but the finished light painted piece...WOW.  What a difference!

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