2023 SD CEO Woman Entrepreneur Of The Year!
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Thursday, June 01, 2023
By Allison Russell
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COMPLETE SHOCK.  That was the feeling I had when they announced my name last week in Spearfish at the SD CEO Annual Awards Luncheon.

Three weeks earlier, I had received the email notification that I had been nominated for the 2023 Enterprising Woman Entrepreneur Award for the state of South Dakota.  Not only had I been nominated, but I was one of the three finalists, and would I please attend the Awards Luncheon.

When I read the bios for the other two inspiring nominees (Fork RealSpearfish Family Optical) I thought, these women are incredible.  I am grateful to be nominated alongside them and glad to learn about their businesses that have a huge impact on their communities. 

Considering their inspiring stories, I thought there was no way I would win, both of the other nominees were utterly deserving of this award.  The committee considered many factors including business age, community impact, success, and philanthropic projects.  The anticipation for the results built through the afternoon, as we listened to motivational speakers and heard stories from women in business across the state of South Dakota.  After lunch, the moment was finally upon us.

Before announcing the winner, the bios of each nominee were read to the sold out room of attendees.  Then the winner was announced not by name, but by her story.  In the very first sentence, I recognized my own journey and my jaw fell open in shock. 

I had received the prestigious award of the 2023 SD CEO Enterprising Woman Entrepreneur of the Year!!!  Walking up to the stage I was in a daze, hardly believing this was actually happening.

Receiving the award was an incredible honor.  Even better was that it triggered reflection on my path over the last 11 years of owning my business.  How the success and joy I have experienced did not come easily nor without unending support from incredible family and friends and the Mitchell community.

With that deep well of support, I am able to do what I love every day.  In addition to building a successful business where I can create gorgeous fine art for our clients and support my family, I get to choose to give back to projects I feel passionate about.  I can donate time and money to local organizations such as the Abbott House, CASA, Big Friend Little Friend, JPII, teach workshops at Mitchell High School, and conduct trainings for the SD Board of Education and in the photography industry nationwide.

An honor and a privilege, and it all started with a little camera and some folks that were willing to let me photograph them.  Those of you that started this journey with me 12 years ago know exactly who you are.  




Allison Russell is the creative behind the camera at Twisted Wire Design. She grew up in Sonoma County, California and now lives in Mitchell, South Dakota.  Her boutique studio is in downtown Mitchell and she specializes in family, children, senior, and sports photography, and has been internationally recognized for her portraits.

Allison loves to meet amazing families and create gorgeous fine art portraits of their loved ones for them to hang in their homes. She has three kids (joyful chaos!) and loves to be outdoors with her family, traveling, a good book and glass of wine.


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